Friday, October 17, 2008

Rancho del Oso Creatures

First up, a wrentit. I hadn't seen one before, and had to improve this photo in photoshop to get an identifiable birdy, but here it is... at least I think it is a Wrentit. Someone said it was and pointed the direction I was looking, so it should be.
Here's a black phoebe... turned out as a pretty good photograph, although Mr. or Ms. Phoebe's head looks kinda awkward.
Best I can figure, this is a juvenile Hairy Woodpecker. There were 3 of them hopping around and I think I took a picture of two of them, but they both look about the same, and they don't look like any other woodpecker I have in the guidebook.
Finally, one I can say with certainty. A Scrub Jay, lol... and not one from our backyard :)
Somewhere about where I was taking the picture of the wrentit and looking for a spotted towhee someone else say, this deer just came right out of the bushes about 10 feet from me. My camera was set up for a slightly different setting, so it came out too dark. But through the magic of photoshop, it became recognizable. Around these here parts, we call it a black-tailed deer. It's part of the mule deer family. I wonder what happened to it's right antler.
There had to be a whole lot more birds out there, but there was a raptor in the area that kept them hidden while we were there. Oh well... just for the views I plan to return, so maybe it'll be more birdy the next time.


Mary C said...

Other than seeing a "new" bird - the wrentit - I really liked seeing your young hairy. I love that black tailed deer. It looks as though it was posing for you -- and it's perfect that his hind end is showing. :)

RuthieJ said...

Good pictures Red.
We saw black-tailed deer when we visited the Effie Yaw Nature Center near the American River in Sacramento. If I remember correctly, they weren't quite as large as our white-tailed deer....

Heidi said...

It was posing :) Actually, I think it was startled there was anyone there. The crowd was 50 feet or so behind me, so I think the deer thought it would avoid the crowd and then spotted me.

You're probably right about that Ruthie. I don't remember seeing any live deer when I lived in Kansas, but they probably are larger.


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