Check it out!
First, a pair of Mallards. Actually, there were several pair. One I think was nesting near the parking lot because they never moved the entire time we were there. This pair was walking around and just looked so cute - especially the female.
These two are so cute... they reminded me of Tango and Cash with their funny looking and pointy noses. The one on the right has a look Tango often has, lol.
The one that perched on the outside moved inside a bit, but it moved to a much better position for me to take its photo. I took some of the nesting birds, but they were hidden nicely. This one was somewhat difficult as it kept preening. But I came away with a few nice shots and this one below that not only has it's "pony tail" showing, but the eyes were so clear and crisp and RED! I really hadn't noticed that on any other BCNH before, probably because they were much further away. I posted this on twitter earlier today, so some of you already have seen this.
After this, the lighting was getting very dramatic with a storm (ha - drizzle clouds) coming in. So I walked over to the picnic grounds by the ranger station and scouted for some landscape shots. I'll make those my next post.
And the post after that, our second trip of the day: Rancho San Antonio.
Final count for PA Baylands:
9 | Canada Goose Branta canadensis | |
30 | Mallard Anas platyrhynchos | |
1 | Ruddy Duck Oxyura jamaicensis | |
14 | American White Pelican Pelecanus erythrorhynchos | |
7 | Black-crowned Night-Heron Nycticorax nycticorax | |
1 | Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis | |
8 | American Coot Fulica americana | |
30 | American Avocet Recurvirostra americana | |
12 | gull sp. Larinae sp. | |
30 | Rock Pigeon Columba livia | |
1 | Anna's Hummingbird Calypte anna | |
2 | Black Phoebe Sayornis nigricans | |
1 | Western Scrub-Jay (Coastal) Aphelocoma californica californica | |
7 | American Crow Corvus brachyrhynchos | |
2 | Common Raven Corvus corax | |
4 | Cliff Swallow Petrochelidon pyrrhonota | |
1 | Chestnut-backed Chickadee Poecile rufescens | |
1 | Bushtit Psaltriparus minimus | |
1 | Northern Mockingbird Mimus polyglottos | |
5 | Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon) Junco hyemalis [oreganus Group] | |
10 | Red-winged Blackbird (Bicolored) Agelaius phoeniceus [gubernator Group] | |
1 | Brewer's Blackbird Euphagus cyanocephalus | |
2 | House Finch Carpodacus mexicanus | |
2 | House Sparrow Passer domesticus |
Wowser! What a list! I love every one of those pix.
The watercolored gosling is worthy of a frame.
Thanks Lynne... I'll have to print it out on the copier and see :)
It's amazing all the species and yet it qualified for a stationary count.
Like the effect of your change to painting. Looks good.
I am photographer first, and just happen to try my hand at birds. I like it when I can id a bird before reading the id, as I did with your Black Crowned Night Heron. Someday I may actually be a birder.
Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra
Thanks Leedra :) I just had to keep it... but the picture was really really bad.
I am a photographer first still... but I think I can safely say bird photographer now :) Part of my id-ing comes from taking the pic and studying it later at home. I can id probably 35 birds in the field, but they are the ones I'll see all the time. Little brown birds, forget about it. I'll say sparrow or whatever and look for markings later. Bigger birds are much easier for me to id.
Nice post, Heidi. I'll have to get my PA Baylands post up soon, hopefully this weekend. I like what you did with the gosling pic - that was a neat idea - a great way to "erase" all the background stuff around it. I'll have to be sure to post the photo of the (backsides of the) gosling and parent as they walked/waddled away from us.
Great pictures Heidi! I especially liked the "squadron" of pelicans soaring overhead.
Thanks Mom... lol, that'll be a cute pic of the geese.
Thanks Ruthie! It was cool to watch them.
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