In honor of Christmas this week, I present an angel :)
Ok, just angel feathers.
Well, ok, how about more than that?
An angelic Snowy Egret.
Come to think of it, since it seems like the entire North American continent is covered with the cold wet white stuff, SNOWY Egret is proper too :)
See more awesome bird photos by heading to
I hope we get snow in the hills for Christmas. It's supposed to rain and drizzle through then, but you never know. Maybe an Alaska cold front will dip this low again! It's not projected according to the weather channel, but it's the season of hope!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. Travel safe - stay home safe - just be safe and enjoy your families.
1 day ago
I hope you get your snow Red.
Merry Chistmas!
I have dial up internet so when I saw the first picture, I didn't know what to make of it other than the angel wing your post mentioned and when the other photos popped up, I could see the entire story. The first photo does indeed make me sense an angel is among us.
You captured that "angel" beautifully. I love the way the light is shining through its wing.
Great photos of the egret. Hope you get snow for your Christmas - but I am looking forward to a nice day at the beach! Such a difference down here in the southern hemisphere.
The angel is great, and I love seeing the Snowy Egrets. Great way to post something to remind of us of the angel.
I wonder what that egret will think of additional snow? Very beautiful bird. Your last image is quite nice. I hope you get your snow, at least in the hills above you. It's currently raining in my part of the state on this Christmas morning. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Red!
(We drove home from Christmas at my mom's in blowing snow and whiteout conditions! If you're still hoping for snow, I hope it's only flurries :-)
Wow, Red. She's an angel.
Beautiful bird!
Merry Christmas to you and those you love!
Very nice, Red. Well, we did have some snow on the mountains last Christmas.
Thanks for the snow wishes everyone! We ended up with nothing. At least there was a little leftover on the Hamilton Range after the rain. It managed to melt some of the snow from a couple days earlier. But, we do live in California, so it would be much like snow in Las Vegas or Baghdad for Christmas, lol.
Ah Mick, I just can't imagine Christmas at the beach. I can imagine warm weather - shorts weather - but not actually going to the beach.
Ruthie, we probably couldn't even get as much as flurries :) I've driven in it one time here and it was like drizzle, but dry. That was cool.
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