My mom mentioned that we had taken some photos and posted one of mine on her camera.
Here's some that I took... first two were using my brother's camera (hey I just grab the best one available at the time!)

Isn't it cute how he's facing off to the side, but the eyeball is looking at the camera?

Here he (guessing) is facing me, but looking off to the side again. hmmmmm....
These were both taken in September.
Last week, my dad was trimming viney plants we have growing on the side of the house, and while pruning the flowering maple, he yelled that there was a praying mantis. So with my new camera nearby, I quickly grabbed it and ran outside and proceeded to take about 80 pictures, lol. He did some of the coolest things and I think it was the same one we saw above.

First it was on the wall, and then crawled back to the protection of the plant. Here he is looking off to the side again, but closer to the camera (was probably watching my dad off to the left who continued to prune while the poor thing was one there).

Then he started licking his "feet"! Wow... I saw it's tongue and everything!

Then he kinda glared at me with a look that said "BUG OFF"

Great photos, Red. I so enjoyed enlarging them. Such a cool critter!
That's really neat. I've never seen one so close up.
I wish I could see all the mantis pics. I bet they are awesome.
uh oh... i either changed their names or i moved them!
lol, gives me a good excuse to post them again :D
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