With all the rain we've finally had lately, it's a wonder the birds are still out there :)
Here's a poor sweet California Towhee toughing it out.
For more bird pics, head over to
3 weeks ago
“-You can't just turn on creativity like a faucet.
You have to be in the right mood.
-What mood is that?
-Last-minute panic.”
Current skin is Spring Green 2009
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Brave little guy. He looks ok.
Leedra’s Photos For Fun
Leedra’s Greeting Cards
Photography By Leedra
Such a cute little bird. It does indeed look sad surveying the day! Very nice.
I don't know how they stand the cold and wish they had socks on their little bare legs. Hope your weather clears up soon!
It's a good thing those feathers are drip dry!
Tough ole' bird!!
Nice orange butt! :) Love them Towhees!
Excellent shot of the California Towhee Red! People think they are "plain" looking but when you really look at them, with their eye ring, their subtle browns and rusty undertail coverts, they are not "plain" at all. They are a very pretty bird.
Wow, what a cool bird. Looks nothing like the Eastern Towhee that we have in Ohio. It's so great to see and become aware of birds in other parts of the country. Thanks for stopping by my page.
@Leedra... certainly was brave. Rained much harder today. I didn't see any birds out and about.
@J.G. LOL... I know someone who probably could knit little socks for them :) She's into doing miniatures.
@Lynne... LOL! They certainly are.
@Darla... yep, a toughie. I wonder if it is the same one I got a picture of earlier in the summer with messed up feathers.
@LizaLee... Me too. When you tweet about them singing I'm usually hearing them too.
@Larry... Thanks Larry! You're right, not plain at all. They just don't usually show off their colors.
@Heather... Thank you for stopping by. I'll be back to yours... in fact was just there minutes ago :) That's what I love with this BPW... not only across the country, but the world as well.
@Kallen... whoops! Missed your comment earlier, sorry! Yeah, poor thing does look a little sad. All his or her seed was getting wet. They're cool, they are like the Juncos, picking up all the good stuff the messy finches waste.
The only birds I see around he3re are robins, crows, and bluejays. NOthing exciting.
We've got crows and scrubjays, but no blue jays and only one robin, just once so far. Your yard is more exciting than you think. Plus, if you just veg looking out a window more often (if you had the time, lol) you just might see something new.
Great shot. :-) I've seen plenty of birds but they don't seem to hang around long enough for me to get a good shot.
Looks like a drenched female Cardinal, Red. Lovely pose.
Wow Mary, I never noticed, but it's body shape sure does look like a Cardinal... totally different family too! Who knew they had such similarities?
Thanks 2sweetnsaxy... most of my shots are pure luck, some are just being ready for them and quick on the trigger.
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